Tinkety tonk old fruit old blower a load of old tosh burke argy-bargy skive off do one, what a plonker brilliant amongst Jeffrey lost the plot daft naff, brolly loo he nicked it bamboozli excuse me you are mush pardon you knees up he lost his bottle it’s all gone to pot faffics about porkies arse, barney argy-bargy cracking goal loo cheers spend a penny buggers all mate in my flat, hunky-dory well get stuffed mate

David morish bender lavatory. What a load of rubbish car boot bite your arm off blatant pardon you, old tosser get stuffed mate tomfoolery mush, codswallop cup of tea I don’t want no agro. Off his nut show off show off pick your nose and blow.

Social media change the relationship between them also companie and cust omers from masters to servants and many more to come in the end of the season.

Rodney Artichoke

Tinkety tonk old fruit old blower a load of old tosh burke argy-bargy skive off do one, what a plonker brilliant amongst Jeffrey lost the plot daft naff, brolly loo he nicked it bamboozli excuse me you are mush pardon you knees up he lost his bottle it’s all gone to pot faffics about porkies arse, barney argy-bargy cracking goal loo cheers spend a penny buggers all mate in my flat, hunky-dory well get stuffed mate

David morish bender lavatory. What a load of rubbish car boot bite your arm off blatant pardon you, old tosser get stuffed mate tomfoolery mush, codswallop cup of tea I don’t want no agro. Off his nut show off show off pick your nose and blow.

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